Over the course of the past year, the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services been listening to people from across Ontario as they shared thoughts on how we improve services for people with developmental disabilities. Todd Smith, Minister of Children, Community and Social Services has now shared the government’s plan to reform developmental services.
Journey to Belonging: Choice and Inclusion lays out the ministry’s long-term vision for developmental services in Ontario, where people with developmental disabilities are supported so they can participate in their communities. It is a vision where people live meaningful lives and have access to the same opportunities and services as their fellow Ontarians.
They have also released an easy read version and video, continuing their commitment to work with people with developmental disabilities when making changes that affect their future.
The plan is informed by the contributions of those who have provided the ministry with invaluable feedback and advice over the years — people with developmental disabilities, families, service providers, academics and others. Nearly 200 people joined virtual engagement sessions in Fall 2020 and over 800 people provided input online.
“I would like to thank everyone who has shared their knowledge, experience and perspectives with us,” said Minister Smith. “Through this process, one thing is clear — people want developmental services that are easier to access, with supports that are person-directed and more flexible to better meet their needs over the course of their lives.”
“This is a bold plan and I am proud of the work that has led us to this point,” continued Smith. “As we move into designing and implementing changes to make our shared vision a reality, we are committed to working with all our partners. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and support people with developmental disabilities.”
Click here to read the ministry’s report – Journey to Belonging: Choice and Inclusion