On February 14, 2022 Community Living Mississauga was pleased to share that families and friends were once again welcome to visit their family member / friend in their home without the ongoing support of a support worker allowing everyone to enjoy time together in private. This of course will not be an option should there be an active outbreak.
At that time we also advised you of some additional required safeguards that have been mandated by the The Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services. We have now also updated our active screening questions to reflect more recent requirements. It is important that the information contained in this communication is carefully reviewed.
As previously communicated Rapid Antigen tests continue to be part of the screening process required upon entering the home and tests will be provided for visitors at the door. The additional screening questions will also be asked as part of the screening process.
All other measures such as proof of vaccination as previously communicated will remain in place.
Additionally, all people who visit with family or friends overnight will be required to have a Rapid Antigen test based on a schedule as previously communicated and outlined below.
We are pleased to share that we are now supporting people to welcome more than 2 visitors at a time in their backyards if they wish to do so.